Mentorship Ministry to Leaders and their Families
We believe that the health of a church is affected significantly by the health of those who lead it. To that end, we provide mentorship and encouragement ministry to church leaders and their families. We provide one-on-one mentorship meetings and “no agenda” encouragement retreats where we can share the burdens of those who—because of the challenges of their particular ministry—are isolated, disconnected, or discouraged.

Underserved Pastor & Leader Training
We take seriously the biblical admonition “to whom much is given, much is required” (Luke 12:48). With more than 85% of pastors who have little to no access to formal ministry education, the E2 Initiative seeks to fill this void by providing pastor/leader training, conferences, materials, and theological education around the globe. We partner with theologically like-minded national organizations and international partners to carry out this task.

Serving the Local Church
We recognize that God has commissioned the local church to carry out the mission of making Jesus known to the nations. The church has been, and always will be God’s “plan A” to do His work. We exist to equip the local church to fulfill this mission through expository preaching, in-depth Bible teaching, and mission engagement.